Page name: I dedicate my candle to: [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-09-06 07:14:00
Last author: ariel♥
Owner: Rook.
# of watchers: 18
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Dedicate this candle to someone special, either passed away, or still with us. I want to see these candles all over this site! so please, take this candle and dedicate it to someone, or give it to another person because they are special to you and to the world. You can dedicate your candle to as many people as you want.

   ~ <3 the owners of dedicate your candle @ wiki

I dedicate my candle to: [person's name / username]

I dedicate my candle to: [person's name / username]

~I am [Rook.], and I dedicate my candle to: [Asator Stormbringer], [Astrid.], [Give Me Red], [Frost-:-Wing], [tia mia], and most importantly, to my godfather, Ray Kane. Thank you for always being there for me, and for opening your arms and home to me.

~I am [CrystalBlaze], and I deticate me candle to my grandmas who passed away, and to my cats who also passed way.

~I am [Ukia], and I dedicate my candle to my cats who have passed away: Amber, Misty,
Blizzard, Tiger, Midnight, Pouncer, Coco, Cuddles, Martin, Honey-Boo, Goldenboy, Grayboy, and Rosie; as well as Brown Wing, a dear dragon friend.

~I am [Asator Stormbringer], and I dedicate my candle to William Newman... May we please meet again.., I miss you... way to much

~I am [Rice] and I dedicate my candle to myself, Darz, [Deleto] and [firelady].

~I am [dawn bolly] and i dedicate this candle to my mum, she died in june 2007.. i miss her so mutch ther are no words for it..

~I am [.Toxic Valentine.] and i dedicate my candle to Casey Calvert, who died in my arms. He was the best guitarist i've even known, and had the biggest heart for fans considering he was a rockstar. Hawthorne Heights will never be the same without you baby. Also, my Dad.. he died of cancer in October07. I would especially like to dedicate my candle to my best friend, who i regard my sister... [Tates]

~I am [Sir Riddle] and I dedicate a candle to the best friend a person could wish for; [Asator Stormbringer]

~I am [Mom] and I dedicate a candle to [Sharky87]. Her father is dying of cancer and she need to be able to be strong and to know everyone is praying and thinking of her.

~I am [*Phoenix*] and I dedicate a candle: to Max Scott, a beloved camp director who passed away this winter; to my grandma who has stayed strong with lukemia; my mom who deals with everything, all the time; and to [Artsieladie] who has inspired me.

I am [Lady Arrianya] an i dedicate my candle to all my lost loved ones who are now in the afterlife, all those who have been here for me, an all those who hope in vain the one they love is worth it...even after that person lets them down over and over and drags them through hell and back.

~I am [Eyden13] and I dedicate my candel to [Zab] and [Alexi Ice] for welecoming me to elftown, and my dog bailey who died last year.

~ I am [Alexi Ice] and I must dedicate mine to [Haku Uchiha] and [William Christian Inuma] the two boys in my life who have captured my heart.

~ I am [Hobbit teen] and I dedicate my candle to my aunt...who died this last year of Uterine Cancer, I love you Aunt Carol *cries*

~ I am [black christmas] and I dedicate mine to my grandmother who left this planet recently.

~ I am [190039] and I dedicate my candle to to my papa AJ who passed away when I was seven, I also dedicate my candle to my first love and my best friend jay j. I will always remember the two of you for the impact that you had on my life. I love you. :'(

Username (or number or email):


2009-01-28 [Give Me Red]: oh how it brightens the room ^_^

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: oh yes...well...add your name and take the image and post it in your house...

2009-01-28 [CrystalBlaze]: hello how do me do this me want to do one

2009-01-28 [Give Me Red]: hehe finally i have

2009-01-28 [Give Me Red]: hack me and get rid of all the excess

Missing: </center>

2009-01-28 [Give Me Red]: nvm that last one...

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: WEll, Crystal, all you do is click edit, say I am [CrystalBlaze], adn I dedicate my candle to so and so, then copy teh picture, ( I'll put the link without the IMG on it) abd paste it with the link on your page....

2009-01-28 [CrystalBlaze]: ooooo ok alright

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: ^^ got it? cool.

Hayden... all you do is make </center> once, and it will take care of it... silly boy... and get rid of the infernal only need one <center*> and one </center*>

2009-01-28 [Give Me Red]: lol alright thanks :P

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: no prob

2009-01-28 [CrystalBlaze]: Hey Marshall

2009-01-28 [Give Me Red]: hello crystalblaze ^_^

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: Helloooo to you both!

2009-01-28 [Give Me Red]: hello rook ;)

2009-01-28 [Chimes]: <wikiimg:I dedicate my candle to:@wiki://>
That should create a wiki image link with the single candle picture from the top

<wikiimg:I dedicate my candle to:@wiki://>
This one should create a wiki link using the banner. :)

There you go. :)

2009-01-28 [Ukia]: Hello to you, too, Rook. 

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: okay cool, thanks Chi. Are you going to join?

2009-01-28 [Chimes]: I'm pondering it. :)

2009-01-28 [CrystalBlaze]: ok ukia has quiet a few

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: *smiles*

2009-01-28 [CrystalBlaze]: My cat Spira and angel is what I mainly deticate it too

2009-01-28 [Rook.]: Thats fine

2009-01-28 [Ukia]: Why not say their names? It's polite to the cats, and that way they don't bug you while you're trying to sleep. 

2009-01-28 [CrystalBlaze]: ne mo care is they bugg me that just lets me now they care bout me

2009-01-28 [Ukia]: *nods*

2009-01-29 [CrystalBlaze]: me love me cats

2009-01-29 [windowframe]: How did you choose which people to invite to this page?

2009-01-29 [CrystalBlaze]: just choose me guess

2009-01-29 [windowframe]: Uh?

2009-01-29 [Ukia]: Translation: Beats me. 

2009-01-29 [CrystalBlaze]: hey me no choose Rook did

2009-01-29 [windowframe]: Did someone say that it was you of doing the inviting? O_o

2009-01-29 [Ukia]: She is easily confused and has a compulsion to make strange comments. 

2009-01-29 [CrystalBlaze]: who me!!!

2009-01-29 [Ukia]: Yes, you. *pats head*

2009-01-29 [CrystalBlaze]: *bites hand*

2009-01-29 [Ukia]: Dragon paw, not hand. *whack*

2009-01-29 [CrystalBlaze]: fine *BITES PAW hard*

2009-01-29 [Ukia]: *sits on CB* 

2009-01-29 [CrystalBlaze]: *poofs into sludge again* evry time you sit on me I will become something gross

2009-01-29 [Ukia]: You mean sludge. *shakes head* *scrapes CB off scales*

2009-01-29 [Give Me Red]: shouldnt the banner say i dedicate my candle to:@wiki?

2009-01-29 [ReineBloodwolf]: WOW!

2009-01-29 [ReineBloodwolf]: hi marshall!

2009-01-29 [Give Me Red]: hi Shi thanks for accepting ^_^

2009-01-29 [ReineBloodwolf]: anytime:)

2009-01-29 [Rook.]: No. It shouldnt...theres a link to it on my house...jsut put the link to it under theabanner

2009-01-29 [Give Me Red]: ohh alright then i gotcha

2009-01-29 [Rook.]: you and Shi are friends?? cool

2009-01-29 [Give Me Red]: yuup ^_^

2009-01-29 [ReineBloodwolf]: ROOMAR!!!!

2009-01-29 [Give Me Red]: ROOSHI!!!

2009-01-29 [Rook.]: goofi

2009-01-29 [ReineBloodwolf]: *HUGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!ROOMAR!!!!*

2009-01-29 [Give Me Red]: hehehe :P yup *hugles back*

2009-01-29 [ReineBloodwolf]: *OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!ME A CUTE WEREWOLF PUPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

2009-01-29 [ReineBloodwolf]: lol

2009-01-29 [.Toxic Valentine.]: hope you didnt mind me saying my bit.

2009-01-29 [Rook.]: Not at all.

2009-01-29 [.Toxic Valentine.]: thanks. x

2009-01-29 [Rook.]: no prob, hun.

2009-01-29 [.Toxic Valentine.]: thats the first time ive really admited all that to anyone. it was good to get it out. so thank you.

2009-01-29 [Rook.]: *hugs* It's never a problem. I'm here to help.

2009-01-30 [Little Rook.]: hey all

2009-01-30 [.Toxic Valentine.]: heya.

2009-01-30 [Rook.]: Ace, meet my little sister, Hannah, meet Ace.

2009-01-30 [.Toxic Valentine.]: (i sent her a pm lol) hello btw! xxx

2009-01-30 [Rook.]: ^^

2009-02-02 [Little Rook.]: hi

2009-02-02 [Rook.]: ^^

2009-02-02 [Little Rook.]: see i know how to be nice lex

2009-02-02 [Rook.]: hannah...not righ tnow.

2009-02-02 [Little Rook.]: fine i'm out l8r

2009-02-02 [Rook.]: byes

2009-02-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: neh? .. ahh.. anyways. how are you?

2009-02-02 [Rook.]: I'm good. Tired, but rested. and you babe?

2009-02-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: cooollldddd. i've been playing in the snow.

2009-02-02 [Rook.]: *grins* good for you!!!!

2009-02-02 [.Toxic Valentine.]: indeedy! i'll post a snowman pic soon!

2009-02-02 [Rook.]: I'll go look!!! :3

2009-02-03 [Rook.]: Thanks [Mom]

2009-02-03 [Mom]: Your welcome. Nice wiki...great way for ET members to support each other.

2009-02-03 [Rook.]: *smiles* That's what I planned on this wiki for.

2009-02-04 [ReineBloodwolf]: ROO!

2009-02-04 [Rook.]: hello Shi.

2009-02-04 [ReineBloodwolf]: HI ROO!

2009-02-04 [.Toxic Valentine.]: thanks [Mom] my dad recently died of cancer so i know what your friend is going through. so im around if you need me.

2009-02-04 [Rook.]: *smiles*

2009-02-04 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *hugs* ily rookie.

2009-02-04 [Rook.]: ilyt Acers

2009-02-04 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *hugggles*

2009-02-04 [Rook.]: *huggles back*

2009-02-06 [Give Me Red]: lexi you should make a candle contest ^.^

2009-02-06 [Rook.]: I'll try to after this one.

2009-02-06 [.Toxic Valentine.]: .<

2009-02-06 [Rook.]: whats wrong, darling?

2009-02-06 [Give Me Red]: ok then ^.^

2009-02-06 [.Toxic Valentine.]: nout, im just thinking of Casey.....

2009-02-06 [Rook.]: *hugs*

2009-02-06 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *hugs tight*

2009-02-06 [Rook.]: *hugs back*

2009-02-06 [ReineBloodwolf]: *POUTS*

2009-02-06 [.Toxic Valentine.]: rook. i dont know what i'd do without you.

2009-02-07 [Rook.]: *smiles softly* youd do what youve always done before you met me, dear.

2009-02-07 [ReineBloodwolf]: *ROOSILSHIRALIETIA!!!!*

2009-02-07 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ah. but if i didnt meet you. i might not be here now.

2009-02-08 [dawn bolly]: hi folks

2009-02-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: hellos. x

2009-02-09 [ReineBloodwolf]: *giggle*

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